✧ Introduction


Hi everyone! My name is Katie Bonilla. I’m a third year international business major at UCSD, with a recently added minor in design! Before the VDA, I had no experience with visual design, but I knew it was something I was passionate to learn more about! I’ve always loved getting creative (I spent so much of my childhood making edits and collages on PicCollage) and have continuously found myself fascinated by the beautiful graphics I’ve seen people make on social media.

I’m still very new to the design world but I’d love to dive deeper, meet new people, and learn everything I can! I’m honestly interested in all things design and if there are any opportunities to learn more in the future I’d love to be involved!

✧ Feel free to reach out to me through email, Linkedin, or Instagram! My accounts may look abandoned but I’m actually very active/quick to respond, and I love making friends!



A1: Logo Design

Check back here in a day or two! I’m still deciding on a final iteration that I want to showcase…

A2: Landing Screen UI Design

My final iteration! It may not be perfect but I’m happy with how far it grew from my original sketch!

My final iteration! It may not be perfect but I’m happy with how far it grew from my original sketch!

I was super excited when A2 rolled around because it meant I finally had the chance to envision what it’d be like to have an app I’ve always wished existed… a social media for collectors! As someone with many collections (cute notebooks, cardigans, stickers, kpop photocards, keychains) I’ve always dreamed of a one-stop-shop for all things related to collecting!

The Collector’s Community is an app where collectors can show of their collection, put items up for sale/trade, and build a wishlist of items they’d like to add to their collection!

For The Collector’s Community login screen I created a little logo with a box and heart inside it to symbolize the love people but into their collections. Also I’m honestly not sure why I went with orange… it just felt right! If you think a different color may look better definitely tell me. I’d love to test it out!

Behind the scenes…

Jotting down a very rough idea in my notebook!

Jotting down a very rough idea in my notebook!

Testing out different looks in Figma. Wondering if I should go with regular square boxes or curved edges… also experimenting with gradients.

Testing out different looks in Figma. Wondering if I should go with regular square boxes or curved edges… also experimenting with gradients.

First draft after an initial round of feedback during our all-hands meeting! I decided to go with curved photo boxes for a more fun, community type feel!

First draft after an initial round of feedback during our all-hands meeting! I decided to go with curved photo boxes for a more fun, community type feel!

A3: Social Media Graphic for a Music Festival

Final iteration! I received some feedback from my mentor recommending to add dimension to the graphic by removing the grain from the text areas and to also decrease the distance between ‘lower’ and ‘antasy’. I added a drop shadow for anyone on light mode here!

Final iteration! I received some feedback from my mentor recommending to add dimension to the graphic by removing the grain from the text areas and to also decrease the distance between ‘lower’ and ‘antasy’. I added a drop shadow for anyone on light mode here!

As someone who is either constantly scrolling through social media OR going to concerts, A3 was honestly one of the assignments that I was most looking forward to! My two worlds collided into one project, which made making this graphic extremely fun… but also full of self-placed pressure on my shoulders! After hours of brainstorming and trying things out, I landed on ‘Flower Fantasy: The Festival’! A retro flower themed music festival!

Behind the scenes….



Screenshot 2023-04-15 at 11.48.01 PM.png

Screenshot 2023-04-16 at 1.10.19 PM.png

Screenshot 2023-04-15 at 11.01.23 PM.png

I’m not sure these photos fully represent the insane amount of hours I spent trying to figure out what I wanted to do with this assignment... I think the problem was that I just had way too many concepts/aesthetics I wanted to give a try! What really helped was just trying out different things to see if I could take it into a good direction, and a loooot of scrolling on dafont.com to find the perfect font!

FLOWERFANTASYGrainy to overlay.PNG

purple flower fantasy.PNG

Here are the versions of my music festival graphic that I had submitted for A3! Honestly, I love these iterations just as much as the final product because I’m a huge fan of the grain. I’m also in my purple enthusiast era so I especially love the purple filter I put over it for my second version.